Responsibility and property of developments of TekFrota solutions.
The TekFrota and Locate.IT solutions, are fully designed, developed and supported in Portugal by Tecnologias Imaginadas. Tecnologias Imaginadas is the only responsible of this solution.
Tecnologias Imaginadas is also responsible for Datacenter infrastructure on which is based the support platform for TekFrota and Locate.IT solutions, allowing you to deliver your partner or customer with a key-in-hand solution.
The only component of these M2M solutions, which are not developed and produced by Tecnologias Imaginadas is the hardware and the components of the module installed in the vehicle or equipment to monitor. However, the programming and configuration of the modules is the sole responsibility of Tecnologias Imaginadas.
Solution operation.
Our M2M solutions have been widely tested in Portugal (where there are over 2000 modules installed), in the remaining European area, in Angola (where there are over 500 vehicles installed), in Mozambique and a few countries in Africa. The communication of the modules has been ensured with data cards of various National, European and International operators. We can say with some satisfaction that both the solutions and systems in production or solutions that were tested were very successful and the result was very good.
The successful operation of our solutions is due to the way the system has been designed and implemented (our system operates using readings of the location and the vehicle data, for temporal sampling, not only by sampling distance traveled and inflections ) and also due to the fact that our modules have memory and are programed to save all the location readings, even if they can’t have GSM/GPRS network, transmitting all the readings to the data collector in the “Datacenter”, when they enter in a GSM / GPRS coverage area.